Saturday, 13 December 2014

What does Santa Claus, Jack Frost and the Abominable Snowman?

What?You may ask... well...

  Okay, maybe some of you out there may know, the answer is Winter. They are all associated with the frigid, freezing cold of Winter. Hey, its December, so why not get yourself a hot cup of chocolate and sit down to this article.
I'll start with the Spirit of Christmas himself, Santa. First, > ain't real Santa. Real Santa is green. This is just a Coco-Cola advertisement. So kids, hate to ruin your dreams of that mega action robot, for that guy in the mall isn't Santa.
The real Santa looks like this.
Yes children, sad ain't it. But that doesn't mean you can give up on Christmas, take it from me, I live in TROPICAL CLIMATES, sure more animals live in this kind of weather but no snow. Just for those out there who have never touch your geography books, the tropical climate is between the Tropics of Cancer and the Tropics of Capricorn. Or 20° North and 20° South from the equator. But not my point. We still celebrate Christmas, doesn't mean that Santa in the mall isn't going to bring you presents doesn't mean you can't stop celebrating it. Now this is going off course I know, but reflect on the time family and friends come around the table to talk or play. Anyway, time to go from the detour into the main road. Santa has been our lives since the day with started putting up Fig trees in our houses and decorating it. Christmas or X'mas was originally for Jesus, but one man changed everything. His name is Saint Nicolas, Santa's real name. He gave the poor, good children toys every year on Christmas Day. Soon, his name spread across the world and became Santa Claus. Different cultures have different interpretations of Santa Claus, one has Santa Claus being a joker and making children laugh, one puts toys and gifts in your shoes, that culture influence stocking being hanged over your fire pit. Now, to see if Santa is real. Lets start with what he does, send presents, first, how many presents does he have to send. But the toys in each present is different, so lets start with action figures for boys, and hula-hoops for girls. A action figure is about a gram, and a hula-hoop probably 50-60 grams. Lets say every boy and girl is good, since I don't have Santa's good list. There are 1.9 billion children around the world. The sex ratio is 107 male to 100 females, so I will do a bit of math. Okay, my math ain't that great, but the total is more than a 1000 kilograms, so that means that sleigh carries blue whales in tiny bits. So Santa has a titanium sleigh, how about the reindeer, its impossible for 8 reindeer to pull that sleigh. 8? Why 8 you may ask, because in original Santa Claus stories, Rudolph is a recent addition of the 20th century, Santa dates back to Saint Nicolas's time, which is obviously not the 20th century. Okay, lets say Santa manages to get off the ground, he has to travel the world in one night. The speed Santa has to go plus the air resistance he has to face with the amount of weight, makes him a skeleton by the time he gets of the north pole, maybe that's why he can go down chimneys, he just dismantles himself. So Santa doesn't exist. But you can go to Finland to Santa Claus Village to meet "Santa" during the off season. But him existing, sadly, Busted :(
Now, Jack Frost.
I bet your stockings and Christmas presents that you never heard of until you've watched Rise of the Guardians. Well, that Jack Frost ain't accurate, he is not a teen, he is this dude.
Yes, this dude, no staff that controls power stuff. He is the Jack Frost, he is an interesting mate, he is either a teen, young adult or a man.  I don't know much about him, I do know Wikipedia has answers(not all of them are right though). Jack Frost represents, you get it, Winter. He is a variant of Old Man Winter, but Jack is believe to be the cause of frost(duh), nipping of toes and noses(hence that phrase in the movie, which is a real phrase). He was introduced in 19th century literature, and some depict him as serious mischief maker. He is a carefree, friendly spirit, but insulting him would get the person covered in snow and ice or turn them to frost. He behaves as he pleases and is the being that parents warn their children about. He starts in Anglo-Saxon or Norse winter customs, but that is not confirmed. In other countries, he is as different entities but have the same role. Jack paints the autumn leaves with either a paintbrush with paint of the colors of autumn or with none at all. He wishes to bring happiness to people and enjoy himself.  Him existing is a hard nut to crack, or ice I should say. But science has added another sad face :( as the reasons of leaves changing colors, frost paintings have been explained. Busted.
Now, we have the beast of the snow, the Abominable Snowman(still have problems pronouncing) or Yeti.
The Bigfoot of the Snow, he is said to live high in the mountains where its cold, but why is he related to Winter? Well, think of Bigfoot for a sec, now picture rabbits, specifically snowshoe rabbits Now think of snow, both would obviously stand out, but snowshoe rabbits change their fur from brown to white when that season comes. My theory is that the Yeti and Bigfoot are the same creature, just that they change their fur colour like snowshoe rabbits. Why? Think about this, both are ape like creatures taller than average humans, both have to have giant feet since your foot size times seven equals height. Both have thick fur and live in remote areas. But Bigfoot is in America while Yeti is in the mountain range of Tibet and Nepal. May Bigfoot migrates, but that won't make sense since the reason animals migrate is because of winter and want to get to warmer areas. Eureka! Maybe Bigfoot does migrate, not because of winter but rather because of humans, think about it, people would be coming to forest to chop down a X'mas tree, Bigfoot's home is being terrorize, so living in the mountains would give Bigfoot some time to wait for the trees to grow back so he can remain hidden. But getting there, those giant feet should be good swimmers. Fur to keep him warm while swimming the cold water, maybe their water proof. But him existing, not so much of a Busted but Plausible. Okay why? I have been watching Finding Bigfoot on Discovery Channel, and a fur sample almost proven Bigfoot's existence. But for now, we wait.
Pictures belong to the brilliant people who own these.
And one more thing, may God bless us every and a very Merry X'mas(play a catchy Christmas bell chine tune here, ding ding ding ding)

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